Patient Monitoring SFG

AXREM was pleased to launch the Patient Monitoring Special Focus Group back in February 2023, and they have gone from strength to strength with new membership and meetings with interesting and full agendas.

Some of the workstreams and discussions the group have been looking at include:

  • Standardisation on pre-trials
  • Connectivity within the hospital
  • Hospital IT infrastructure
  • Developing a patient monitoring industry manifesto
  • Consistency across all Trusts and there being ‘One NHS’
  • Innovation and demonstrating its impact
  • New hospitals and how they are designed and developed

The group is open to companies that provide:

  • Patient monitoring solutions for in hospital and out of hospital use
  • High Acuity Monitoring – for theatres, ITU, CCU and PICU, SCBU, A&E
  • Telemetry Monitoring
  • Holter Tape Monitoring System for ECG
  • General Ward Vital Signs Monitors
  • Stand alone parameter devices such as, but not limited to, Pulse Oximetry , ECG carts
  • Wearable monitor solutions
  • Transfer/Transport Patient Monitoring Solutions

Patient monitoring is the observation of a patient’s vital sign measurements over a period of time. It is usually performed by continually measuring certain medical parameters, including, but not limited to:

  • Heart Rate (HR) – The heart rate is often displayed in green at the top of the monitor. The beats per minute (bpm) value of the number will be indicated by an “HR” or “PR” (pulse rate) beside or just above it (bpm). A healthy adult’s resting heart rate ranges from 60 to 100 bpm.
  • Blood Pressure (BP) – Typically, the patient’s blood pressure readings are displayed on the screen as “SYST” or “SYS” for systolic and “DIAS” or “DIA” for diastolic. A 120/80 BP is considered to be average.
  • Oxygen Levels (SpO2) – The patient’s oxygen saturation (SpO2), which is a measurement of the quantity of oxygen in the patient’s blood, will be shown on the monitor under “SpO2.” However, it’s vital to keep in mind that some populations, including those with COPD, have a lower normal cut off. Normal O2 saturation is 95% or more.
  • Respiration Rate (RR) – On the patient monitor, look for “RR” to find the patient’s respiratory rate. It is expressed in breaths per minute and has typical ranges of 12 to 20. This figure isn’t particularly precise, especially as the patient’s respiratory rate changes.
  • ECG Readout – normally 3/5/12 Lead ECG. Get a 12-lead ECG if you have any worries about a patient’s cardiac health. For junior learners in A&E, knowing the right lead placements for 12-lead ECGs and 5-point cardiac monitors is particularly crucial. Check out the CanadiEM Frontline Primer or this blog post from Life in the Fast Lane for resources to review lead placements for a comprehensive explanation.
  • Respiratory Waveform – Clinicians can monitor for any respiratory problems, such as apnea or dyspnea, using the “RESP” waveform on the monitor.
  • CO2 monitoring
  • Invasive Blood Pressure
  • Temperature
  • Bis, NMT, Anaesthetic Gas, Cardiac Output and more.

Patient monitoring devices are increasingly compatible with electronic patient records and have interoperability with other devices to provide clinicians with a complete patient view.

If you would like to enquire about membership of this group please email: